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AbstractMessenger - Class in com.saicone.delivery4j
Messenger abstract class to send messages across channels using a DeliveryClient.
AbstractMessenger() - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Constructs a new messenger using check duplicated option by default.
AbstractMessenger(boolean) - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Constructs a new messenger with specified parameters.
async(Runnable) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Run task asynchronously into delivery service.
async(Runnable) - Method in interface com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryService
Async execution integration to run a task asynchronously.
asyncRepeating(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Repeat task asynchronously into delivery service.
asyncRepeating(Runnable, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryService
Async execution integration to repeat a task asynchronously.


Bridge() - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery.Bridge


cacheAdd(int) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Add int id into cache to check later.
cacheContains(int) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Check if the int id is cached to ignore.
cachedIds - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Cached messages IDs sent by this instance.
checkDuplicated - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Check or not messages sent by this instance.
cleanMessages() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
Clean old messages from database.
clear() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Clear any delivery client channels and incoming consumers.
clear() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Clear all subscribed channels from delivery client.
close() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Stop the messenger instance.
close() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Stop the delivery client.
com.saicone.delivery4j - package com.saicone.delivery4j
com.saicone.delivery4j.client - package com.saicone.delivery4j.client
createId() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Create int-based id to detect duplicated messages.


deliveryClient - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Current delivery client.
DeliveryClient - Class in com.saicone.delivery4j
Delivery client abstract class with common methods to transfer data and initialize any connection.
DeliveryClient() - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
DeliveryService - Interface in com.saicone.delivery4j
Delivery service interface to supply methods for delivery clients.


enabled - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Boolean object to mark the current delivery client as enabled or disabled.


fromBase64(String) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Convert base64 String to byte array.


getBridge() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
Get the current bridge to receive messages.
getConnection() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
The current connection.
getDeliveryClient() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Get the current delivery client.
getHikari() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
Get the current hikari instance.
getIncomingConsumers() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Get the incoming consumers.
getMessages() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
Get all unread messages from database.
getPassword() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
The current password for authentication.
getPool() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
The current pool.
getService() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Get the current delivery service.
getSubscribedChannels() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Get all the subscribed channels.
getSubscribedChannels() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Get the subscribed channels.


HikariDelivery - Class in com.saicone.delivery4j.client
Sql integration for data delivery using Hikari library.
HikariDelivery(HikariDataSource, String) - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
Constructs a HikariDelivery with provided parameters.


incomingConsumers - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Registered incoming consumers by channel ID.
isCheckDuplicated() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Get check duplicated status.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Get the current messenger status.
isEnabled() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Get the current client status.


loadDeliveryClient() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Method to load the used delivery client on data transfer operations.
log(int, Throwable) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Log exception into delivery service.
log(int, String) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Log message into delivery service.
log(int, Throwable) - Method in interface com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryService
Logging integration for Throwable object, using logging levels:
1 = error
2 = warning
3 = info
4 = debug

It's strongly suggested to override this method with a more robust logging system.
log(int, String) - Method in interface com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryService
Logging integration for text message, using logging levels:
1 = error
2 = warning
3 = info
4 = debug

It's strongly suggested to override this method with a more robust logging system.


of(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
Create a HikariDelivery client with provided parameters.
of(String, String) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
Create a RabbitMQDelivery client with provided parameters.
of(URI, String) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
Create a RabbitMQDelivery client with provided parameters.
of(String, int, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
Create a RabbitMQDelivery client with provided parameters.
of(String) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
Create a RedisDelivery client with provided parameters.
of(URI, String) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
Create a RedisDelivery client with provided parameters.
of(String, int, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
Create a RedisDelivery client with provided parameters.
onClose() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
onClose() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
onClose() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
onClose() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Method to run when client stops.
onMessage(String, String) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery.Bridge
onReceive(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Method to run when byte data was received from client.
onSend(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
onSend(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
onSend(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
onSend(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Method to run when byte data is being sent to client.
onStart() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.HikariDelivery
onStart() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
onStart() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
onStart() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Method to run when client starts
onSubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
onSubscribe(String, int) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery.Bridge
onSubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
onSubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Method to run when client is subscribed to new channels.
onUnsubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
onUnsubscribe(String, int) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery.Bridge
onUnsubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
onUnsubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Method to run when client is unsubscribed to new channels.


RabbitMQDelivery - Class in com.saicone.delivery4j.client
RabbitMQ integration for data delivery.
RabbitMQDelivery(Connection, String) - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RabbitMQDelivery
Constructs a RabbitMQDelivery with provided parameters.
receive(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
receive(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Receive byte array from provided channel.
receive(String, byte[]) - Method in interface com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryService
Receive a byte array data associated with channel ID.
RedisDelivery - Class in com.saicone.delivery4j.client
Redis integration for data delivery.
RedisDelivery(JedisPool, String) - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
Constructs a RedisDelivery with provided parameters.
RedisDelivery(JedisPool, String, RedisDelivery.Bridge) - Constructor for class com.saicone.delivery4j.client.RedisDelivery
Constructs a RedisDelivery with provided parameters.
RedisDelivery.Bridge - Class in com.saicone.delivery4j.client
Bridge class to detect received messages from Redis database.


send(String, Object...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Send message into channel.
send(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Send byte data array to provided channel.
service - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
The current delivery service.
setCheckDuplicated(boolean) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Set check duplicated status.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Set client status.
setService(DeliveryService) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Set a delivery service into client.
start() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Start the messenger instance.
start(DeliveryClient) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Start the messenger instance with a provided delivery client.
start() - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Start the delivery client.
subscribe(String, Consumer<String[]>) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.AbstractMessenger
Subscribe into a messaging channel by providing a consumer.
subscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Subscribe client into provided channels IDs.
subscribedChannels - Variable in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
A Set of subscribed channels IDs.


toBase64(byte[]) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Convert byte array to base64 string.


unsubscribe(String...) - Method in class com.saicone.delivery4j.DeliveryClient
Unsubscribe client from provided channels IDs.
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