All Classes and Interfaces
Class to invoke Block/Tile methods across versions.
Class to invoke CraftChatMessage methods across versions.
Class to invoke methods inside DataComponentType and handle types in a flexible way.
Class to invoke methods from multiple DataComponent classes.
Class wrapper to invoke methods from map and patch data component types builder.
This is not the real class, it's just a bridge between to set and get values before build.
This is not the real class, it's just a bridge between to set and get values before build.
Class to invoke methods from DataComponentHolder.
This type of data component object (as the name said) is just a holder for DataComponentMap to delegate methods.
This type of data component object (as the name said) is just a holder for DataComponentMap to delegate methods.
Class to invoke methods from DataComponentMap.
A component map acts like an immutable map in java with the regular conception of components by Mojang.
A component map acts like an immutable map in java with the regular conception of components by Mojang.
Class to invoke methods from PatchedDataComponentMap.
A patched map is a subclass of DataComponentMap but mutable, that means all the methods from component map are applicable in a patched map.
A patched map is a subclass of DataComponentMap but mutable, that means all the methods from component map are applicable in a patched map.
Class to invoke methods from DataComponentPatch.
Instead of patched map, a component patch acts like a cloneable object that can be introduced into maps and also hold empty values to future deletion.
Instead of patched map, a component patch acts like a cloneable object that can be introduced into maps and also hold empty values to future deletion.
Class to handle reflection lookups in a easy way.
Boolean valued function to compare a method with return and parameter types.
Minecraft enchantment tags with associated ID.
Take in count Mojang discontinued IDs since MC 1.14, any ID for new enchantments is not official.
Take in count Mojang discontinued IDs since MC 1.14, any ID for new enchantments is not official.
Class to invoke Entity methods across versions.
IAttributeMirror class to convert attribute names across versions.
IBundleMirror class to convert items inside
bundles across versions.
IComponentMirror class to convert item
components across versions.
AttributeModifiers component transformation.
BannerPatterns component transformation.
This transformation save any new banner pattern if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
This transformation save any new banner pattern if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
BaseColor component transformation.
Bees component transformation.
BookContents component transformation.
This transformation allow to convert any regular book component format.
This transformation allow to convert any regular book component format.
Build component transformation.
This transformation allow to convert any regular build predicate format.
This transformation allow to convert any regular build predicate format.
ChargedProjectiles component transformation.
This transformation is just to add/remove old "Charged" boolean tag across versions.
This transformation is just to add/remove old "Charged" boolean tag across versions.
Container component transformation.
DyedColor component transformation.
Enchantments component transformation.
This transformation allow to convert any regular enchantment format.
This transformation allow to convert any regular enchantment format.
FireworkExplosion component transformation.
This transformation save the new explosion shape if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
This transformation save the new explosion shape if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
Fireworks component transformation.
This transformation save any new explosion shape if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
This transformation save any new explosion shape if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
Consumable component transformation.
MapDecorations component transformation.
This transformation save any new map decoration if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
This transformation save any new map decoration if it's not compatible with older server version, and bring back when it's converted into newer version.
Profile component transformation.
This transformation also fix any invalid texture name.
This transformation also fix any invalid texture name.
Tooltip transformation, to convert any show in tooltip option into old hide flag format.
Component transformation interface, to upgrade/downgrade components from/into NBT format.
Unbreakable component transformation.
IContainerMirror class to convert items inside
item form of container across versions.
IDisplayMirror class to convert item display
across versions.
IEffectMirror class to convert item effect format across versions.
IEnchantMirror class to convert item enchants
across versions.
IMaterialMirror to convert item material IDs
across version.
This is probably the most complex mirror instance in Rtag.
This is probably the most complex mirror instance in Rtag.
IPotionMirror to convert item potions
across 1.8 and other versions.
Mojang removes potion types inside item damage since 1.9, this class provides a clear conversion.
Mojang removes potion types inside item damage since 1.9, this class provides a clear conversion.
Potion type enum only with potion names that can
be translated to MC 1.8 item damage.
ISkullOwnerMirror class to convert player head
skull owner UUID across versions.
Class to item-related data.
Minecraft item material tags with associated MC version
and some aliases for bukkit
compatibility.ItemMirror interface to make item NBTTagCompound
compatible with actual server version.
Class to invoke ItemStack methods across versions.
ItemTagStream class to write/read
into/from bytes.Abstract class to allow any object to be targeted on the enhanced for statement.
Object container with automatic conversion to required
type when value is called.
Rtag class to edit NBTTagCompound & NBTTagList objects.
Uses a tree-like path format to find the required tag instead of creating multiple classes for deep-tags.
Uses a tree-like path format to find the required tag instead of creating multiple classes for deep-tags.
RtagBlock class to edit any
NBT tags.An deserializer that converts any
of objects to assigned
object type.RtagEditor abstract class who edit any object
with NBTTagCompound inside.
Also provide methods to easy-edit object tags using a
Also provide methods to easy-edit object tags using a
instance.RtagEntity class to edit any
NBT tags.RtagItem class to edit any
NBT tags.RtagMirror class to convert objects.
By default it's only compatible with regular Java objects like String, Short, Integer, Double, Float, Long, Byte, Map and List.
It also convert Byte, Integer and Long arrays as well.
By default it's only compatible with regular Java objects like String, Short, Integer, Double, Float, Long, Byte, Map and List.
It also convert Byte, Integer and Long arrays as well.
An Serializer that converts any Object to
.Server instance class to get information about current server.
Server platform subclass with different supported platforms.
Server releases subclass with versions that introduces major changes.
Server type subclass with major changes in compiled instance.
Very simple class to get textured heads from:
- Texture ID
- Texture URL
- Texture Base64
- Player name
- Player UUID
The main plan for this class was making textured heads by edit item NBTTagCompound, but it's stupid because with single reflected method is possible.
- Texture ID
- Texture URL
- Texture Base64
- Player name
- Player UUID
The main plan for this class was making textured heads by edit item NBTTagCompound, but it's stupid because with single reflected method is possible.
Class to invoke methods inside classes that extends NBTBase.
Class to invoke NBTTagCompound methods across versions.
Class to invoke NBTTagList methods across versions.
Represents a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.
Function will throw a Throwable.
Function will throw a Throwable.
Tag stream class to handle NBTTagCompound
with writeable and readable objects.
The TStream instance provide easy methods handle objects has bytes.
The TStream instance provide easy methods handle objects has bytes.
Class to invoke NBTCompressedStreamTools methods across versions.